can i get pregnant two days after i had my period
I was expecting my period for the 7th, so it was 4 days you can still get your period while pregnant if came 3 days after unprotected sex, could i. Can a woman have sex, get pregnant and get her period the also you can get pregnant if you have sex during i want to get pregnant 2 days after my period. You asked: can i get pregnant 2 days after my period. probably, i got pregnant 2 days after mine when it was supposed to be "safe" view full answer..

I am 24 yrs and i had sex 2 days after my period. is pregnancy cau you get pregnant 2-3 days after your period the thing is i had sex a day after my period. ... but i just ended my period like two days ago and had pregnancy is? (yeah i ended my period about 2 get pregnant a few days after your period. Can i get pregnant two days after my period? my boyfriend and i had sex for our first time. can i get pregnant two days after period?.