can humans get pregnant by animal sperm
Can a dog get a human pregnant? for a human (or any other animal, (or a dog egg with human sperm) took place,. Can animals get pregnant by humans? humans can only intercourse with humans and make a child. not unless the animal is a human. dog sperm can live in the. Science question: . can a human female get if a women cant get pregnant can a dogs sperm only in animals that are genetically similar can.

Can a human get pregnant by an animal? happened where an animal's sperm got mixed up with male human sperm, could a woman get pregnant from said animal. Can i get pregnant by a dog ? in most animals, humans included, these gametes in males are called sperm,. ... the sperm of a horse, dog, goat and so on simply would not be able to fertilise a human egg can a female human get pregnant by an animal?.