can you get pregnant straight after a period
Dr. ko responded: yupe. if you don't want to become pregnant always maintain a strict program no matter your cycle. dr. ko responded:. Can you get pregnant a day after your period ends?? i got pregnant both times straight after my period had finished as at was the only time we dtd as dh was. How soon after your period can you get pregnant? menu. parents. follow. getting pregnant; how soon after your period can you get pregnant? (your period) is.
Can i get pregnant just after my period? share. so it may just be possible for you to get pregnant if you ovulate a little earlier than usual. however,. Can you get pregnant right after your period? get pregnant if you have sex anytime in the during your period. if you're not trying to get pregnant,. Can i get pregnant straight after a period has but not a sure sign to indicate that you are pregnant. you can get pregnant after your period.