can dog get pregnant by human sperm
Can a dog get a human pregnant? so, assuming that somehow fertilization of a human egg with a dog sperm (or a dog egg with human sperm) took place,. Can i get pregnant from my dog? nirmala pandey | october 22, 2013 | pregnancy & other | 25 comments. “can dog sperm fertilize a human egg?. Welcome to wikianswers pets. what would you like to know? can a dog get pregnant by human sperm yes or no? 5,670 pages on this wiki.

Can i get pregnant by a dog ? the thought of half-human half-dog children raises an honest and somewhat innocent these gametes in males are called sperm,. Can a female dog become pregnant with human sperm? it is biologically not possible for a dog to be pregnant with human sperm dont worry! source(s):. No! a girl can't get pregnant from dog sperm different species can rarely mate because the chromosomes do not match. even when humans do have a pregnancy with.