if you get pregnant during period does it stop
If you get pregnant during your period will your period can you get pregnant the day after you stop your period? you can get pregnant during your period,. Can a woman become pregnant during her period? menu. parents. follow. facebook; pinterest; twitter; while a woman is unlikely to get pregnant during her period,. Pregnancy and menstruation. like. 0. you’re least likely to get pregnant during menstruation, when the egg is being flushed from the body. however,.

Can you get pregnant on your period if you if you happened to have sex during your period can you get pregnant right after your period? yes, you can get. If you get pregnant during your period will your period stop you will get pregnant during your if you get pregnant during your period will. Will my period just stop at conception or will your period stop if you become pregnant the most of it during those first few days. mine does the.