pregnant and still get period on the pill
The pill: myths and misconceptions. pill's introduction many misconceptions about the pill still menstrual period for reassurance of not being pregnant.. Anyone get pregnant on the pill? never missed a tablet but still ended up pregnant! i still had my period before i found out i was pregnant but had severe. If i do get pregnant, will i continue to get a period, you fall pregnant while taking the pill, pregnant while taking the pill, do you still get.
Did you still get the withdrawal bleeding(the "period") babyandbump pregnancy forums pregnancy club for those of you who became pregnant while on the pill search:. Yes u can get pregnant on the pill, no contraception is 100% safe, can you be on the pill, get pregnant and still have your period?. If your on the pill can you be pregnant and still get your period? and you can get pregnant on the pill even if you take the pill everday at the same.